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Page 85 of 112 2000 Records Found

Newcastle under Lyme Canal at Copeland Street, Stoke-upon-Trent

A view along the Newcastle under Lyme Canal where it leaves the Trent & Mersey Canal in Stoke on Trent. The photograph is taken from the bridge at the junction with the Trent & Mersey: the bridge in the ...

Newfield High Street, Tunstall

The camera is looking north along Newfield High Street (A50). Alfred Meakin's Newfield Pottery works in on the right. The square building just beyond Marble Fireplaces is an electricity sub station. Both ...

Normacot Road, Longton

In the centre of the photograph are the backs of the works on Bagnall Street, the road going off to the left. On the corner stands the old American Hotel. Off to the left in the foreground is the old ...

North Street, Stoke-on-Trent

A view along North Street from the entrance to the railway goods yard. To the left is Cliff Vale Terrace (now part of North Street) with the light of the goods yard to the right. This is now the route ...

Notice from Ralph Wedgwood - Document from the Enoch Wood scrapbook

Glazes and Ovens Printed notice from inventor Ralph Wedgwood. He claims to have devised a way of recycling waste pottery to make glaze. The glaze is touted as being of superior quality to lead ...

Oakhill and the Michelin Tyre Company factory, from Penkhull

This was the view eastwards over the Michelin Tyre factory from the higher ground along Hunter's Way in Penkhull. The Michelin factory dominates the middle of the photograph. On the left of the site is ...

Office Scene.

Pottery factory offices and office workers. Taken at The Co-op Wholesale Society Factory, Stoke-on-Trent. Taken from the Gladstone Pottery Museum Photographic Collection. This photograph is ...

Old Betty Plant's sweet factory, Hanley

Old Betty Plant's was a confectionery business on the corner of Morley Street and Statham Street in Hanley. The "Old Betty" name came from the wife of the founder, Albert Plant. The factory in Statham ...

Old Fire Station, Burslem

The old fire station was in Fountain Place at the top of Westport Road just along from the entrance to Enoch Wood's Fountain Place Pottery. At the time of the photograph it was occupied by Edwin Longmore's ...

Old Foley Pottery Works, Fenton

Pottery factory exterior and rail tracks. Taken at the Old Foley Pottery Works, King Street, Fenton, Longton. Taken from the Gladstone Pottery Museum Photographic Collection. This photograph is ...

Old Potter's Wheel.

Postcard captioned 'Old Potter's Wheel'. Containing a pottery factory interior with a view of a girl turning an old hand powered wheel. This action powered a throwing wheel. Taken from the Gladstone ...

Old Staffordshire. Photographed by William Blake.

Lantern slide of a vase decorated in an old style associated with Staffordshire. This is one of the few colour slides in the collection. This lantern slide appears to be one of a group used for a ...

Old Town Road and Deep Pit Colliery, Hanley

The view from the end of Old Town road towards Deep Pit Colliery with the winding gear in the centre. The curved building on the right belongs to H & E Smith, tile and fireplace manufacturers. Deep ...

Old Wedgwood Jasper Vase. Photographed by William Blake.

Lantern slide of a Jasper Vase by Wedgwood. This lantern slide appears to be one of a group used for a presentation or slide show by Blake entitled “Staffordshire Pottery.” A small folder containing ...

Old Weighbridge, Bucknall New Road, Hanley

The camera is looking along Bucknall New Road with Hillcrest Street off to the left. Bert Bentley thought the building with the columns and pediment was once a weighbridge. In the1960s a Wright's Pie ...

Oldfield's Brick Works, Fenton

The photograph shows the fireclay marl pit at Oldfield's brick works, east of Duke Street in the Lane Delph area of Fenton. At the time of the photograph, the pit was being filled in. There was a ...

Oldfield's brickworks, Fenton

Oldfield's fireclay pit off Duke Street in Fenton. The Bassey Mine Ironstone and Peacock Coal seams outcrop in the pit. These rocks are part of the Coal Measures of the North Staffordshire Coalfield. ...

Oldfield's Brickworks, Fenton

The brick kilns and their chimneys at Oldfield's brickworks off Duke Street in Fenton. In the foreground is the fireclay pit. The camera is looking eastwards towards Longton with the houses in Holly Bush ...