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Burslem, Cobridge, Longport and Tunstall Association for the Prosecution of Felons - from the Enoch Wood scrapbook

Business leaders in Burslem, Cobridge, Longport and Tunstall here unite in their efforts to prosecute wrong doers - they are to form an Association for the Prosecution of Felons. Witness Protection The ...

Burslem, Longport, Cobridge and Brownhills Union Association for the prosecution of Felons - from the Enoch Wood scrapbook

A group of local people from the Burslem area have formed an association to prosecute anyone guilty of crimes against person or property. Rewards In this notice they outline a sliding scale of rewards ...

Burslem, Tunstall, Longport and Cobridge Armed Association - notice from the Enoch Wood scrapbook

A meeting has taken place at the Legs of Man Inn in Burslem, to discuss the formation of an assocation to defend the neighbourhood at a time of crisis. A volunteer infantry Books are to be opened ...

Call for a meeting on the Reform Bill - Document from the Enoch Wood scrapbook

In 1831, democracy was the new word on everybody's lips. The proposed Reform Bill was one of the hottest topics of the day - and promised to be a milestone in giving a meaningful vote to a greater ...

Case of the Company of Proprietors of the Navigation from the Trent to the Mersey - Pamphlet from the Enoch Wood scrapbook

Canals were among the most impressive - not to mention controversial - engineering enterprises of the 18th century. In this pamphlet, the Trent and Mersey Canal Company outline their case for creating ...

Caution to firework users - from the Enoch Wood scrapbook

At the beginning of the 19th century, parish workers called church wardens were responsible for dealing with anti-social behaviour on the Potteries' streets. A common cause for complaint were the crackers, ...

Cheshiremen! - A pro-reform election notice from the Enoch Wood scrapbook

At election time, tiresome political 'spin' is nothing new. Even in 1831, election candidates accused each other of the same, urging attention to facts only: Be on your guard - attend only to facts, ...

Close and Keeling's Invention - Notice from the Enoch Wood Scrapbook

Cutting edge technology in pottery making Printed notice informing pottery manufacturers of Valentine Close and James Keeling's patented oven design. The new design promises to use less coal, reduce ...

Clough Hall Colliery Anti-Union Notice - from the Enoch Wood Scrapbook

Colliery owners did not take kindly to miners' early attempts to form trades unions. Market forces Most believed in an 'iron law of wages,' which dictated that wages would be related to market forces. This ...

Committee of the Association of Potters - Document from the Enoch Wood Scrapbook

Joseph Machin, Chairman of the Committee of Potters, addressed this notice to fellow manufacturers in the Potteries. Ruin A ruinous war with France had brought Britain's business to its knees - ...

Comparative Calculations - Pamphlet from the Enoch Wood scrapbook

During 1796, a fierce debate was raging in Stoke-on-Trent over controversial proposals to build a new canal. The new canal promised to link Ashby-de-la-Zouch in Leicestershire with the Cheshire Canal ...

Concert at the Town Hall, Burslem - Concert programme from the Enoch Wood scrapbook

Entertainment in Burslem Programme for a concert taking place at Burslem Town Hall in October 1805. The concert goers were to be treated to an eclectic selection of instrumental music and songs ...

Document from the Enoch Wood scrapbook - "Englishmen! Answer These Plain Questions."

One of the most keenly contested issues of the early 1830s was the proposed Reform Act. The Reform Act The politician Earl Grey wanted to re-jig the parliamentary system to make sure that growing ...

Document from the Enoch Wood scrapbook - For bringing about a General Peace

Terminating a war fatal to the true interests of our country In 1813 Great Britain was in the midst of war with France and the US. The effects on trade were catastrophic. The workers and manufacturers ...

Easter Dues - a notice to the householders of Hanley and Shelton, from the Enoch Wood Scrapbook

Local taxes, or 'tithes,' were a controversial issue in 1824 - not least those collected every Easter by the local clergy. The Peter Watson Case When, in Durham, a shoemaker-turned-troublemaker ...

Ever Memorable Battle Off Cape Trafalgar : 21 October 1805 - document from the Enoch Wood scrapbook

Celebrating Victory Illustration and article celebrating British victory over Spain and France at the Battle of Trafalgar. Published by Robert Laurie and James Whittle on December 12th 1805, the ...

Extracts from an Act of Parliament of the Sixth Year of the Reign of George the Third - Pamphlet from the Enoch Wood scrapbook

When a committee of manufacturers in Stoke, Burslem and Wolstanton put their weight behind a scheme to build a new canal, they published a series of legal extracts 'so that all may know the law' and 'that ...

Female Provident Society - Document from the Enoch Wood scrapbook

This 'benefit club' claimed to offer women a fighting chance of avoiding hopeless poverty - many years before any worker paid a National Insurance contribution. This notice details the monthly payments ...