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A List of Persons Receiving Relief from the Parish of Wolstanton - from the Enoch Wood Scrapbook

Family historians may relish this revealing booklet, which reports on the poverty suffered by the residents of Wolstanton, in Newcastle-under-Lyme, during 1830-1. It was commissioned by a parish committee ...

Agreement on the price of straw - from the Enoch Wood Scrapbook

While pottery manufacturers could agree on a standard list of prices for their wares, the cost of packaging was less predictable. In this agreement, local manufacturers complain of the "loss and detriment" ...

An Address to the Coal Miners - Pamphlet from the Enoch Wood Scrapbook

An apparently neutral observer introduces himself in this pamphlet, claiming to weigh up the respective cases of the coal masters and miners' union during industrial unrest in 1831. Claiming to wish ...

An Address to the Public in Answer to the Case of the Trent and Mersey Canal Company - Pamphlet from the Enoch Wood scrapbook

Controversial Proposals The Trent and Mersey Canal Company has recently issued controversial proposals to build a reservoir and extend a branch canal to Leek. This pamphlet, sent to Enoch Wood's ...

AN IMITATION Of one of "Moore's Melodies" - Broadside ballad sheet from the Enoch Wood scrapbook

A call to the INDEPENDENT FREEHOLDERS OF STAFFORDSHIRE This song urges local freeholders to vote for a candidate named Dent. The 'Dent' mentioned, who used the tune from Moore for his song, was John ...

Anderton Carrying Company - document from the Enoch Wood Scrapbook

In the spring of 1838, James Macintyre, Agent for the Anderton Carrying Company, wrote this confident letter to Staffordshire's pottery manufacturers to celebrate his canal company's success. He announced ...

Annual General Meeting of the Manufacturers of China and Earthenware - from the Enoch Wood Scrapbook

During the career of Burslem pottery manufacturer Enoch Wood (1759 - 1840), industry bosses frequently gathered to discuss pressing issues and find common solutions to particular problems that they faced. 1812: ...

Anti-Slavery petition to be organised in Stoke-on-Trent - A notice from the Enoch Wood scrapbook

Once Britain had outlawed the slave trade in 1804-5, a new organisation known as the African Institution tried to maintain the momentum of the anti-slavery movement. Now they called for other countries ...

Article from the Public Enquirer, taken from the Enoch Wood scrapbook - "The Wellington Quick-Step to Anarchy"

Moderate readers of the Public Inquirer on Saturday April 23 1829 might have choked on this partisan account of the movement for Catholics' civil rights in Britain. Thomas Mulock's rage The author ...

Association for the Prosecution of Felons - notice from the Enoch Wood scrapbook

This notice outlines the aims of the Association for the Prosecution of Felons, formed in the Potteries in order "to bring Offenders of every description to condign punishment." Rewards There are ...

Belfast Glass China and Earthen Warehouses - advertisement from the Enoch Wood Scrapbook

Burslem pottery manufacturers Enoch Wood & Sons, and others, here react angrily to a spate of false advertisments, touting cheap wares at prices said to be agreed by all Staffordshire manufacturers. Responding ...

Belfast Glass, China and Earthen Warehouses - advertisement from the Enoch Wood Scrapbook

In 1813, handbills appeared all over Belfast, in which manufacturers' agent Robert Anderson, of Hanover Quay, claimed to offer "very superior" wares at "lower" prices than the Staffordshire firms. In ...

Belfast Glass, China and Earthen Warehouses - notice from the Enoch Wood Scrapbook

This notice at first seems to lay down a brave challenge to the global ceramics industry: "We have no hesitation in challenging the World to produce a superior article of China and Earthenware than ...

Bread or Blood: On the Orders in Council - Document from the Enoch Wood Scrapbook

Addressed to manufacturers across the country, this notice lists the woes of the pottery industry during the Napoleonic Wars in the early 1800s - and the word on the street was just as urgent. France ...

Britannia's Address to her Fair Daughters - a radical call to women from the Enoch Wood scrapbook

Love of country is not sexual; in every age, in every country, it has warmed and animated the female breast... In the early 19th century, women were among the most forward-thinking political activists ...

Broadside ballad sheet from the Enoch Wood scrapbook - The Orders in Council revoked and Biscuit and Gloss

Broadsheet containing two songs that were sung at the Anniversary Meeting of Potters and Company in Hanley, July 2nd 1812. Cause for celebration The Orders in Council revoked and Biscuit and Gloss ...

Buller's Appeal, or Last Shift - Broadside ballad sheet from the Enoch Wood scrapbook

Broadside ballad entitled Buller's Appeal, or Last Shift. And down my dear RADS, with your Guineas apiece The song appears to be a rallying cry from an election candidate in need of financial assistance. Russell's ...

Burslem and Wolstanton Poor Union - a document from the Enoch Wood Scrapbook

In the 1790s, the expense of providing relief to the poor fell upon local parishes in Stoke-on-Trent. This document outlines a meeting held to discuss sharing the costs between Burslem and nearby Wolstanton. The ...