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Engines for Extinguishing Fires - Document from the Enoch Wood Scrapbook

A Fire Service for Burslem, Tunstall and Longport Printed notice outlining the resolutions from a meeting at the Legs of Man in Burslem on 25th February 1799. At the meeting it was decided to form ...

Excavation for Charles Street shopping centre, Hanley

Excavations and foundations for the shopping centre attached to the bus station along Charles Street and Old Hall Street in Hanley. The large building in the background is Webberley's book and stationery ...

Fenton Police Station, King Street, Fenton

Fenton Police Station: "The Canning". Fenton Police Station occupied buildings erected by the Improvement Commissioners in 1839 on Market Street (later King Street). The upper storey had a large meeting ...

Fifty Guineas Reward - notice from the Enoch Wood scrapbook

This is how news of an assassination spread across Staffordshire on 29 June 1800 - together with the offer of a generous £20 reward for information. Notices like this one would have appeared in public ...

Fire Station, Fenton.

The fire station was built by Fenton Borough Council in 1909, a year before the Federation of the six towns. The bell tower is in the Norman style and the whole structure is of red brick. The fire services ...

Forgery - notice from the Enoch Wood scrapbook

As concern spreads across the Potteries, this notice guides traders and townspeople in how to recognise a forged £1 note. In the early 1800s not all bank notes were issued by the Bank of England; these ...

Forsbrook Road, Blythe Bridge. Photographed by William Blake.

Village scene taken at Forsbrook Road, Blythe Bridge, Nr. Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. A soldier and a postman pose for the photograph as a cyclist rides by.

Fountain Place Pottery, Westport Road, Burslem

The camera is looking down Westport road from Fountain Place in Burslem. On the left, Alcock's cycle and television shop used to be the corner frontage to Enoch Wood's Fountain Place pottery works. To ...

Fundraising at Walthamstow Market, London 1984.

During the miner's strike of 1984 - 1985 many women became involved in the struggle and attended protests, raised money, manned picket lines and collected food. It was common during the strike for people ...

Hanley November 11 1793 - Document for the Enoch Wood Scrapbook

Food shortage in the Potteries Hand-written notice calling for pottery workers to gather at Hanley Market Hall. An additional note written in pencil at the top of the page indicates that the notice ...

Hartshill Road, Stoke-on-Trent

A Ford Escort and a Potteries Motor Traction bus bound for Silverdale is bought to a halt by a police constable in Hartshill. This photograph was taken close to the junction with Queens Road, looking ...

Huzza!! Kidcrew Again! Kidcrew Again! An appeal for blackleg workers from the Enoch Wood scrapbook

In the early 1830s early trade unions faced a struggle to gain the recognition of employers, and their members were often treated harshly. An appeal for knobsticks A 'gentleman of the pit' in this ...

Keeling's Patent Substitute for Red and White Lead - Document from the Enoch Wood Scrapbook

Improved Glazes Printed notice by industrialist and inventor James Keeling. Here he makes various claims about an improved formula for ceramic glazes, which he has patented. The glaze is 30% cheaper ...

Keeling's Substitute for White and Red Lead, in Making Glazes - Document from the Enoch Wood Scrapbook

Patent notice and conditions of use Printed notice informing pottery manufacturers of a new patented glaze made by James Keeling. Conditions for using the substitute glaze applied. Manufacturers ...

Labour is the Source of Wealth - Document from the Enoch Wood Scrapbook

Organising Labour Printed notice calling for workers in the Potteries to attend a meeting at the Red Lion Inn, Shelton. The workers were to be addressed by a spokesman of the National Association ...

Longton Fire Brigade.

Group photograph of Longton Fire Brigade. Taken in Union Square, Longton, Stoke-on-Trent. Taken from the Gladstone Pottery Museum Photographic Collection. This photograph is part of the collections ...

Longton Police Station

Glover's brewery was on this Sutherland Road site originally, until Joules of Stone bought them out in 1903. The police purchased the brewery from Joules, demolished it, and built this building. Longton ...

Mechanical Apparatus for Firefighting - an advertisement from the Enoch Wood scrapbook

In Enoch Wood's day, factories and coal mines needed more than buckets of sand to put out serious blazes. The trouble was that there was - as yet - no rapid-response fire service to call upon. Unsurprisingly, ...