Date:October 1962
Description:The front of the Tuscan Works on Forrister Street in Longton. This photograph was taken near the corner with Anchor Road looking east. Operated by brothers Richard Hammersley & Simon Lucas Plant, the works was built around 1900. The works produced Tuscan China, which included tough "metallised hotel china" and fine bone china. In 1966 the works became part of the Wedgwood group and renamed Royal Tuscan Works, producing mainly hotel ware. The works were closed in 2006 and subsequently demolished. The house on the extreme left of the photograph survived to become a bakers and confectioners. At the time of the photograph, the bottom of Forrister Street was open land and allotments. Today there is extensive housing development and the road has been extended.
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The view north along Wharf Street towards the Tuscan China Works on Forrister Street. Wharf Street is ...
The front of the Tuscan Works on Forrister Street in Longton. This photograph was taken near the corner ...
Creators: Mr Bert Bentley - Creator
Image courtesy of: Stoke on Trent City Archives.
Donor ref:SD1480/225-12 (204/38805)
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