Description:As concern spreads across the Potteries, this notice guides traders and townspeople in how to recognise a forged £1 note.
In the early 1800s not all bank notes were issued by the Bank of England; these forgeries are notes of The Old Bank, Newcastle, which all share a single number and date:
3671 23 September 1809
Other tell-tale signs include:
Paper without stamps;
Poorly executed engraving;
Blue ink that runs.
The real notes feature:
Brown ink;
A fourpenny stamp impressed upon them.
A conviction of the guilty party will bring a £100 reward to anybody who can offer the crucial piece of information.
Burslem pottery manufacturer Enoch Wood, who collected this document, figures amongst the names of men seeking to investigate; in those days, there was as yet no police force to lead the investigation.
The notice is signed off by Thomas Kinnersly, who chaired the bank.