Description:An estate of pre-fabricated houses was built on open land just to the east of Stone Road and south of Rookery Lane in Trent Vale. The houses were built as part of the Temporary Housing Programme at the end of the 1940s, after the end of the Second World War.
There were several designs of "pre-fab" dwellings, with over 1.5 million being built by 1955. These houses, derelict by the 1960s, appear to be examples of AIROH houses. AIROH (Aircraft Industries Research Organisation on Housing) houses were made of aluminium, assembled from four sections, delivered by lorry and erected in four hours. Many came complete with a basic fitted kitchen and even curtains. Over 54,000 were made at a cost of around £1600 each.
Bert Bentley records these houses as being on Fulham Road; this road no longer exists but was located within what is now the Michelin Handford Site and Stone Road Business Park.
On the right hand edge of the frame is the end of a building belonging to the Brick and Tile Works to the north of the estate. Hedges marking the boundary of the old Newcastle-under-Lyme canal can be seen between the estate and the Works.